CONTINUOUS DRYERATION (covered by U.S. Patent No. 11,304,424)
- Grain is dried in a traditional dryer until moisture is 2.2-2.9% above preservation moisture.
- The grain is tempered, extracting water from the grain and homogenizing the heat.
- Ventilation is optimized for a three-fold effect of cooling the grain inside the tower, transferring the heat via a counter-flow method and drawing out the moisture, subsequently drying the grain.
- The tower is emptied uniformly and continuously using an appropriate extractor.

- Energy savings in the overall process of up to 30% compared to traditional drying processes.
- Increased dryer capacity of up to 60%.
- Better grain quality, preserving its physical properties and commercial characteristics.
- Storage stability. Total, uniform cooling at appropriate temperature and moisture levels for storage.
- Automatic, continuous system controlled by the dryer.

- Reinforced silo and thermal insulation. Size suitable for all dryers, grain temperatures, climates, etc.
- False bottom made of perforated galvanised sheeting over the support structure.
- Variable screw conveyor, pivoting from a central axis.
- Fan with features that are optimized to the process.
- Automatic emptying system for fitting the tower to the dryer.
- Thermal control system using differential thermostats.

- Wet grain is unloaded into the hopper.
- Grain is transferred from the hopper to the pre-cleaning system.
- Pre-cleaning using sifting (wet grain).
- Grain is transferred to the dryer.
- Dryer. When using the cooling system in the tower, the marked area, which was previously used for cooling, is used for drying (dryer’s 1st capacity increase).
- The hot grain leaves the dryer with residual moisture, which evaporates in the tower (dryer’s 2nd capacity increase).
- Cooling tower. The grain is cooled slowly using a counter-flow method (there is no thermal shock, which leads to better quality) as it drops down the tower. The tower has a special emptying system, an adjustable ventilation system, thermal insulation and a grain treatment control system.
- The perfectly cold, balanced grain is transferred for storage in silos or bins.